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Wednesday, June 24, 2009,5:54 AM

aiyo i am damn sorry for not posting yesterday so i will tell you what happenend yesterday..................yesterday i went to desmond house to do homework and science project but we ended up doing none in the end aiyo then we slack and see desmond and aaron plz maple while jia wei bully desmond little brother hahahaha jia wei bully small kid only..............then desmond younger brother go make edward angry aiyo he damn angry sia he went out for awhile then few minutes came back in a happy mood(lolzzzzzz he recover damn fast sia)aiyo then later went home then just slack loh................today was damn damn boring sia i just stayed at home and slack all day,only talk to amirul for like 10min(aiyo wei si came back from malaysia so good for her sia she can get extra 1week holiday............i think so)aiyo then after that slack slack and slack somemore aiyo i gotta go bye bye

Monday, June 22, 2009,6:41 AM
nothing much nia

aiya today do nothing sia just slack then supposed to go des house today for science project but des say cant cause he wan to chiong maple now aaron say go his house tmrw do science home work.........................now how sia aiyo if des go then i go also loh............................aiyo got science project then got homework also sia aiyo why cant the june holidays must end so fast??????????aiyo i no time do homework or project sia i think do too much slacking aiyo now must write letter for my father to sign so i can show my teachers why i pierce my ears aiyo...............anyway i gotta go see you when school reopens(if you from my school)

Sunday, June 21, 2009,2:47 AM

today damn sian just stayed at home do nothing................went to internet go read manga(eyeshield 21 rox!!!!!!!!)............aiyo then yesterday aaron ask me next week do homework.............wait next june holiday already over liao..........aiyo must tell this to aaron.......... -_-"' aiyo..............(cweng made me do this quiz hahahaha JK)
All of the 14 people must do this quiz, unless he / she doesn’t have a blog .Write the names of 14 people you can think off the top of your head , then answer the questions

1.amirul2.Cweng3.AARON4.Kirby5.Desmong6.jia wei7.azirah8.aisha9.wei si10.felicia11.xi li12.sianliang13.shafiq14.chriscillia
How did you get to meet 7: She from my cca nia so i just talk to her loh oh and she also know amirul
What would you do if you and 13 never meet:fing him and meet him cause he is a good friend mah
What would you do if 1 and 12 date:Aiyo they not gay lah and amirul already got stead not sure about sian liang
Have you ever seen 14 cry:i think got lah not too sure
Would 4 and 11 be a good couple:aiyo they not les lar
Do you think 11 is attractive: lolzzz dont wan to answer lah the ser yang get jealous hahaha
What's 2 favourite colour:should be black and white
When was the last time you talk to 9 :i think on msn few weeks ago
What language does 8 speak:she speaks malay and english lah aiyo
Who is 13 going out with:dont know lah even if i know don feel like telling you hahahaha
What grade is 12 in: Sec 2 same as me
Would you ever dates with 10: no lah she is just my friend lah and she already got wen de
Where does 5 lives:Sembawang
What's the best thing about 3: rude,kind and damn damn rude hahaha jk jk
What would you want to tell 10 now: errrrm don lah something simple like HI
What's the best thing about 8:she is kind and her younger sis is very scared of me
Have you ever kissed 5:Sry to dissapoint you but i am not gay lah aiyo
What was the best memory you have with 7 :i think it was when we went out together with amirul and kirby to play basketball it was really funny there
When was the last time you're going to see 6: few days back at admiralty
How is 12 and 14 different : height, voice ,sex and the lenght of hair
How did you meet 5: sec 1
Is 1 your best friend: kind of lah he damn funny sia
Do you hate 12 : no lah aiyo i don really hate anyone(Tamale not included in this conversation)When was the last thing you said to 3: i think it was yesterday when i sent him a msg in msn saying 'GD NITE BITCH'
HAve you been to 5's house:yup alot of times usually when the mother not at home *shivers*
When's the next time you gonna see 10:i think after june holidays loh
Are you close to 13:ofcourse lah he my senpai what and one of my closet friend nia
Hve you ever gotten into trouble with 8: no lah aiyo different level what
Would you give 2 a hug: not sure maybe maybe not aiyo no lah i not gay lah eventhough he is my friend
When have you lied to 3:no lah i dont lie to my frenz
Is 1 good with socializing:i think so but he may irritate the person hahahahaha jk jk
Do you know secret about 9: nope
Describe the relationship between 12 and 14: i think should be just classmates loh
Best thing about your relationship with 9:like to see her chase amirul hahahaha
What's the worst thing about 6:he like to be very very sarcastic but he is a good friend
Have you ever had a crush on 12:how many times are this kind of questions are going to keep on coming I AM NOT GAY LAH AIYO
Does 14 has a girlfriend or boyfriend:i don know nvr asked her
Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face:everyday hahahahaha
Has 2 met your mother: i don know i think got when he came to my house
How did you get to meet 3:sec 2 first day of school since he got promoted to our class from 1t
Did you ever physically hurt 3:i think maybe got not sure have to look at aaron body for marks hahahaha
Do you stay close to 7:i not sure lah
What's 8 favourite food:don know she nvr tell me
What kind of car does 1 has:i think he got a very nice toy car
Have you ever travelled anywhere with 9 before:nope
if you give 14 $100 dollars.what will he /she spent it on: don know there is alot of thinks she could buy anyway why should i give her free $100 i rather keep it for myself

Saturday, June 20, 2009,7:17 AM
aiyo damn sorry lah

hello i very sorry for not posting for like 10 days hahahaha lolzzz new record sia..............aiyo don feel like telling u all what i did for the past 10 days boring lah aiyo.........................today was damn damn sian sia...............................i ask my mother can go nite safari with my frenz she say no sia..................any way i have to tell u all that sometimes th words in the posts will dissappear(sry for wrong spelling -_-"' i fail english lah moderation then i just pass)so if u wan to read the missing words go use the mouse go over the post don click ah................the use ur arrow keys to go right or left simple loh................aiyo wish can go nite safari with my frenz aiyo go try my luck tmrw lah hahahaha(hope don get scolding -_-"')aiyo i gotta go now bye bye

Wednesday, June 10, 2009,8:45 AM

I am damn sorry everyone for not posting for 4 days but the problem is i cant seem to use the computer much these days...................so i want to explain everything in short..............saturday was just slacking around the house since nothing to do...
......................sunday asked alot of ppl to go out with m
e anywhere cause felt too bored at home but no one was free........................monday again asked ppl and again not free aiya wat to do at home sia........................tuesday same thing and gue
ss wat tmrw going to play basketball with amirul,kirby and azirah yeah atlast i don need to slack at home....................wednesday yeah today went out to admiralty with azirah,amirul and kirby(sry for changing the order -_-"')met azirah a
t the sembawang lolzzzzzzz she wear like she going out watch movie sia................when i wear like
playing basketball..............but i shouldnt judge ppl with wat they wearing
lah..................lolzzzz then reached admiralt
y after me and azirah waited in the macdonalds for amirul and kirby...............................then amirul came wah-lao anyhow go say i pai kia...........aiyo then went 7-11 to buy drink then off we go to basketball court..........then play there like 15 min then amirul say go play at cresent park cause got shelter lolzzzzzzzzzzz..................then later we setted off to the cresent park............but then me and amirul go run to carpark hide kirby and azirah go run after us cause kirby phone was in my bag..............wah we hide behind van they foun
d us sia aiya then made our way to the cresent park but halfway i go run away from kirby then after i successfully ran away i met amirul and azirah then when we went back to the last place i saw kirby she wasnt there.........wah lao then we go sho
ut her name ask her to come where we wer
e.............after that before we go to the cresent park we went to a minimart to buy drink again..............i bought red bull and amirul bought a big 1.5 litre mineral water................when we going between the blocks we saw a playgound which looked very exciting cause it had many animals carved in stone amirul tried climbing some...............some i help him sia i become like stool then amirul go step on my back and climbed the quite high animals...........after that we played marco polo lolzzzzzzz then after that p
layed blindmice lolzzzzz i cheated sia i went around on the ground and went to other place then when i almost got caught so i jumped on the slide and i got hurt by the edge of the slide a
nd cut my toe a little bit.................damn pain si
a after that slacked around the playground played hopscotch lolzzzzz the numbered boxes we
re very small me and amirul got bored of it so just rested on the moving thing dont know what you call that but its attached to a spring and you sit on it and go forward and back...............wah damn fun sia i made my frenz laugh alot sia then kirby go call me joker hahahahaha.................after that slacked took some pics..................then went to cresent park atlast sia then played basketball for awhile th
en just slacked then made our way to the macdonalds but halfway amirul and kirby remembered that xi li lived some where near............then kirby asked xi li to come down her block we then hide from xi li when she came down from the liftbut she found amirul and kirby hahaha never find me sia...........then we go xi li house for like 5 min so that she can take her bag and go with us to the mac.............i then go ask her for
plaster then put on my toe...........afte
r tha
t go mac then go shop n save.................then we
nt back to cresent park and xi li went home....................then slack there for few min t
hen we went to the animal park but azirah had to go back so only me,amirul and kirby were there at the animal park after that slack there then we all went home........

lol took the picture of my hand phone keychain hahaha but it came out just the next day i am now trying to fix it

lolz amirul on one of the stone animals zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
lolz amirul is so emo liao cause couldnt take his face hahahahaha and kirby still unaware that i took her pic
lolzzzzzzzzzz kirby never realise i took her pic hahaha i wish she doesnt finds out

thursday aiyo today never do anything la just slack and waiting to heal my stupid finger which got badly hit by the basketball wah it is swollen sia............

Friday, June 5, 2009,4:28 AM

well didnt post for 3 days sorry for that so i am going to tell you all what i did for the past 3 days and today...........
today nothing much never go cca.........then slack at home then i got to know that my mother got leave on friday...........then my father scold me also don know for what nia........well thats all.......
today got cca............slack....................get scolding from my father also again for nothing...............then go excersise..................well thats all for today................
got cca again slack again......................get scolding...................go excersise.................one more day for my piercing day liao............................
today got cca again but last day.......................get scolding.....................go out to woodlands to pierce then i wan go inside the shopping mall my mother go bring me to the nearby pasamalam lolz but quite nice sia..........i go there buy new sling bag and new bermuda....................then later go inside the mall go find the shop to pierce my ear................then we went inside the shop the aunty ask me which earing i want to buy...................i go chose the skull head with a sword in between the teeth............damn nice sia but then the aunty bring me to a place aside then she go use marker mark my ear on wear to place the gun.................then she mark then she go take gun put inside two silver earring............then......1-2-3 click!!!!!....the silver earring is inside my left ear now the same thing for my right...........the cost was..............$6 for the both ear pierced with the silver earring free and about $4 for the earring i buy.......................then after pierce i go john little with my family..............after that come home liao........try the bermuda.....nice fit..........well thats all i gotta go.......something they give me if too much pain......................really cant see clearly but it actually is a skull with a sword between its teeth.........wah pai kia sia...........hahaha.......got the silver earring for free.........yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009,5:49 AM

hi everyone today was just a normal day............its just that today i had cca.....suck sia i go cca do nothing sia......today just slack sia then mr jimmy go scold me and my frenz for slacking....but my two sec3 frenz didnt get scolding sia cause in cca they not supposed to do much...then my sec3 friend go spike my hair with his wax.........i wanted to go pierce my ear but my mother say can only go when she got leave from work.........suck sia why must wait for her leave sia i can go with my sister what-_-'''.................anyway i wont be piercing my ear until my mother leave........so i gotta go now i finally got the thumb drive from des(A BIG THANK YOU TO DES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)now i can play already.......3 cheers for DES HIP-HIP HORRAY,HIP-HIP HORRAY,HIP-HIP HORRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i gotta go BYE-BYE


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Hello.I'mYAMANTE. I'm 13 years old. I love DONUTS(CAUSE MS UMA OWE ME ONE). I'm not a HOMO so i plz ask suthan to stay away from me.. i think thats all.
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



[Cweng-Kun] [Azirah-Kouhai(God-Sis)] [Aisha-Kouhai(God-Sis)] [Chriscillia-San] [2N3(my class)]
[Diana-San] [Chin Ann-San] [Stephanie-San] [Rosabella-San] [Atiqah-San]
[Cheera-San] [Amirul-Kun] [atiqah-San] [shidah-San] [Xili-San]
[Wei Si-San(God-Sis)]
[Mei Xin-San(God-Sis)]


[April 2009] [May 2009] [June 2009] [August 2009] [September 2009] [October 2009] [November 2009] [December 2009] [January 2010] [August 2010]


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